[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


28th May 2010

It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.

– Albert Einstein

The secret of success cannot be summed up more effectively. Are you willing to stay with your problem longer? Or let me add two more words: are you willing to stay with the problem monger than others? All of us encounter problems on our way to success. But few of us persevere. Those who succeeded stayed with the problem longer and thought about the solution longer.

Animals have basically two coping mechanisms: the fight and the flight. But only the human beings have the third option of problem solving. We have the freedom to exercise our independent free will and think. In fact as the human race progresses, the quality of thinking is getting refined more and more. The technology of thinking in a different way altogether is becoming more and more popular.

In order to fight the problems that lay on our way to success, we need three qualities:

·        Courage,

·        Endurance, and

·        A dogged determination to surmount obstacles.

Over this weekend, identify three projects you gave up during the last one year due to some problem that you encountered and rate if you had the above three qualities. Just ponder as to how your life would have transformed if only you had stayed on the problem longer.

N C Sridharan



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