[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


14th May 2010

True success is not necessarily about being the best at all cost. It's about DOING your best all times. If you do that long enough, who knows, you might just end up being the best.

Tope Popoola

The name of the game is consistency. It is about giving attention to even small details and maintaining that mindset all along. It is about doing whatever we do at the peak of our performance. In a long travel, if every step is in the right direction, it is but common sense that the destination is a foregone conclusion. The action plan for achieving any task has to be carefully worked out breaking up the task into small specific activities.

Edward Deming, the most popular management guru talks about a process called PDCA. This acronym stands for Plan, Do, Check and Act. For any task, we have to plan a detailed activity list anticipating every possible activity, small or big. Then the next step is doing or executing what has been planned. Once this is done, the third step is checking if the desired result is accrued. If the answer is no, we go back to the planning stage once again and working out an alternative strategy. If we get the expected result, then the action plan continues.

If we apply the PDCA cycle to everything we do, there is no doubt that we will ultimately succeed in whatever we do.

N C Sridharan



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