[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


1st February 2011

`Pain is a teacher and failure is the highway to success'

Robin Sharma

Learning is an important process that makes human beings great. In fact it is the secret behind the survival of the human beings. In NLP, there is a presupposition, which says `experience has a structure'. This means that every experience we go through in our life programmes our mind. When we go through failures in life, we experience pain and our ego is touched. Ego is an important parameter, which shapes our life. Isn't it true that the person who touches our ego stays longer in our mind?

Failures make you to think why you failed. You don't `think' when you succeed. You may feel happy, excited, proud, encouraged etc., but you don't think. Thinking is different and feeling is different.

Great people succeed after heart breaking failures. Soichiro Honda is the founder of Honda. He was working as a mechanic in a shop to tune cars that entered racing. He worked on a piston design that he wanted to sell to Toyota. His first design was rejected. He went back to school and learnt, pawned his wife's jewels as collateral security and built a factory to construct pistons. He won a contract from Toyota, but the factory was destroyed in an earthquake!

He got an idea to make motorized cycle when he could not use his car due to gasoline shortage during World War II. He produced a two cylinder motorbike engines and approached 18,000 bicycle shop owners. His first motor cycle design was not a success. But he learnt from his failures and ultimately won.

So, don't be afraid of failure. But learn from failure.

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


31st January 2011

`The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live'

Norman Cousins

Scan your life and recall to your mind the last ten years. Are you the same? Do you recall your younger days? Close your eyes, take a time machine, and travel back to your childhood days. After reading this paragraph, sincerely do this exercise.

Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and relax. Recall to your mind your youngest days and see vividly all that you did. Take any phase of your life. It could be a typical day in your life. It could a typical school day. Recall the face of your teacher. Look around and see your friends. Who is sitting left to you and who is sitting to your right? Are you in the front desk or the rear desk? What is the colour of the dress you are wearing? Recall the expression of the class teacher. As you are sitting in the classroom, take a pen and paper and list all your qualities that you know you already have. See your pen write all those words. Creative, inquisitive, humorous, active, jovial, playful, creative, energetic etc.

Now slowly open your eyes and come back to this place where you are sitting and reading this paragraph. Recall to your mind all the qualities you listed in the exercise and write them down. After writing all the qualities, check if you still have them in you.

What happened to that creative person in you? What happened to that energetic and inquisitive person? What happened to that instant humour that you had once? What happened to that hobby which you loved most?

If these qualities are not there with you now, it means that they are dead! Imagine your life now with all those qualities, which you had once and what will be the qualities of your life!

Death does not mean the end of the physical existence. It also means the disappearance of the various qualities we have today with or without our knowledge! Life and living is not the physical body which we have, but all those invisible parameters we have which gives us the personality and character!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


28th January 2011

Once your thoughts reflect what you genuinely want to be, the appropriate emotions and the consequent behaviour will flow automatically. Believe it and you will see it.

Wayne Dyer


Our mind is an amazing thing. It will give a final shape to your dream. It is almost certain that once you are honest about what you want, your mind will take over. It is something like the auto piloting through which an aircraft can be controlled from a remote place.

We should know that there are three types of mind: the conscious, the subconscious and the unconscious. We are aware of what is going on in our conscious mind. We notice our thoughts and ideas that occupy our conscious mind. Once we constantly think of some idea deeply in our conscious mind, it is `embedded' in our subconscious mind. Once this process is complete, we will even dream about this in our sleep. If you recall you would have dreamt about your real life situations in your dream. In fact, for some people dream is an extension of what happens in their daily life.

Once the subconscious mind catches the idea, we will be `programmed' to carry out several actions in our life and we may not know why we do it. Some of them may even appear to be illogical. We can call it as intuition. We may not even be conscious of what we do and why do it that way.

Once the idea gets into our subconscious mind, we will experience a `flow' and what we want to do and what we do will be in harmony. We will be at ease with what we do and we will be able to face any difficult situation with a sense of challenge. We will not get irritated and upset when things do not go the way we want.

In the ultimate analysis, we are what our mind decides!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


27th January 2011

`Within you right now us the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as soon as you can change your beliefs.'

Maxwell Maltz

We are driven by what we believe we can. If we are confident internally, we will look and behave confident external. We will reach out to our dream. On the other hand, if we do not believe that we are capable of making it, we will rationalize and justify our failure. With this mindset we will look for excuses. If we believe that our goal is realistic, we will list all the steps required to be taken. With this mindset, we will list all the reasons why our goal is possible.

So, with one mindset we look for reasons and with another mindset, we look for excuses. We can find both, the only difference being what we look for. This is also called the `self fulfilling prophesy'.

Do a small exercise. Stop reading this and look around. Notice and list all the articles around you which are red in colour. Then look around and notice and list all the articles which are blue. Similarly so it for other colours also. You will notice that when you were looking for red colour articles, articles with other colours did not register in your mind! They also existed, but they did not exist in `your world' since your mind asked your brain to look for only that colour and ignore others!

This simple principle guides your thinking process and actions throughout your life. List all those things which you honestly want in your life. List all the beliefs that limit you from taking the first step. Opposite to that list all the reasons why that belief is not true and ponder over. Do this exercise couple of times. You will evolve with a new set of powerful belief system that will push you into action.

N C Sridharan




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[Time-Management] A correction


Dear readers,

Today's quotations should read as follows:

`We either make ourselves happy or miserable. The amount of work is the same'

Carlos Castaneda

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


26th January 2011

`We either make ourselves happy or miserable. The amount of work if the same'

Carlos Castaneda

We cannot decide tow things in this world. One if when to be born and the other is when to exit the world! Except these two decisions, we make all the other decision between our birth and death. Isn't it an amazing to know this! Many times, we are tempted to think that our life is decided by the thinking and the action of others. Nothing can be farther from truth. It is what we do, what we think and how we do thinks decides the quality of our life.

We are always working and thinking whether we want it or not and whether we know it or not. If there is something which cannot be stopped, it is our working and thinking. We can stop seeing by closing our eyes, we can stop hearing by closing our ears, we can stop eating and tasting and we can stop feeling. We can even stop breathing for a while. But we cannot stop thinking and working.

If we have succeed, it is because our thinking and working. Similarly if we have failed, it is because of our thinking and working. When we succeed, we feel excited and happy. On the other hand, if we fail, we feel unhappy and sad. But we should realize that we are always working to fail and succeed. If we think right and put in the right type of hard work, we succeed. On the other hand if our thinking process is wrong and consequently we put in wrong work, we fail. The harder we work and think the bigger will be the result – whether it is success or failure.


So we are always working very hard to achieve very great success or to fail miserably!  

Are you working hard to fail or to succeed?

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


25th January 2011

`Adversity is another way to measure the greatness of individuals. I never had a crisis that didn't make me stronger'

Lou Holtz

We cannot decide what kind of external environment will ideally suit our ambition and goals in life. There are many things which are outside our area of control. As we work towards our goals, certain situations may arise making our efforts even more difficult. The only choice we have to decide to continue our effort or leave it. We learn more when we go through difficulties and adverse conditions in life.


Mark Inglis is a mountaineer and a motivation speaker. He climbed Mount Everest on May 15 2006. You may ask what is so great about it? He climbed Mount Everest after both his legs were amputated. In fact, he is the first ever double amputee to climb Mount Everest. He lost his leg when he and his climbing partner Philip Doole were caught in an ice cave on Mount Cook for thirteen days. After this his legs were amputated, but he returned to Mount Cook and reached the summit successfully.

You have heard of Rudyard Kipling, the famous poet, writer and novelist? His short story was rejected by San Francisco Examiner with a covering letter, `I'm sorry Mr. Kipling, but you don't know how to use the English language.' Fighting against such adversities, he continued to write and worn the Noble Prize in literature in 1907, making him the first English language writer to receive the prize and he was the youngest to receive such a prize as of that date.

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


25th January 2011

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

 Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes

We decide the quality of our life. As we work towards our goals, we will encounter difficulties. It is up to us to decide how we want to deal with them. I ma sure some of us would have attended some interview or other. They may be to assess our suitability to a new position, assignment etc. I such interview people  want to know how we have handled difficulties. If we are going to tell all the easy situations we had handled, we will not be able to impress the interview board.

Leaders differ from others in their ability to handle adversities and crisis. Last week I addressed a group of visually challenged people. I was shocked at their ability to deal with their handicap. Any one meeting them first time will not believe that they are visually challenged.

I told them the story of Ashish Goyal, who works for JP Morgan, in their London office as a senior executive. There is an interesting story about him in the net. He lost is eye sight due to some eye problem. When he was doing his Management Education, an organization which conducted a campus recruitment told him to seek his fortune in a Government Organization using the 20% reservation for visually challenged people. He declined a got his placement competing with others and secured the First Place in his MBA exam. Not only that. He went on and qualified for higher education from Wharton School, Philadelphia. He learnt to play Brazilian drums and Argentine tango and performs on stage. He is also a boxer! He received the National Award for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, 2010 from the President of India.

Think about one challenge you have and see how you can overcome the same through sheer willpower and determination.

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


21st January 2011


Do More

Do more than belong: participate.
Do more than care: help.
Do more than believe: practice.
Do more than be fair: be kind.
Do more than forgive: forget.
Do more than dream: work.


 William Arthur Ward


We create our environment. What goes around comes around. The quality of our life is not decided only by us. All of us decide the what is around us. As we live, we are satisfied on some areas and are not satisfied in some other areas of our life. We are responsible for this satisfaction or lack of it in some form or other. We have to believe that we live not only for ourselves but also for others.

We belong to a society. But do we participate in the making of a good society? We come across a lot of people who need our help, but do we care for them? We may believe in honesty, but do we practice the same? Some people may harm us or be unfair to us. We may even forgive them. But do we forget the harm done to us? All of us have dreams in our life. But the most important question is do we work to realize our dream?

These traits are very important to make a good society.

Every company which wants to make profit will take stock of their business at least twice a year. Similarly, we have to take stock of our contribution to our society at least every six months. We all want to receive something from the society and we are too happy to receive the same. However, the most important thing is: do we contribute anything to the society and if the answer is yes, how much?

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


20th January 2011

Disney's Creative Strategy

`All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning.'

 Albert Camus

You have heard of the Disney Land. Perhaps some of you might have gone there. Disney Land is a standing example of what wonder a human imagination can stretch. But this is not the work of one man called Walt Disney. It is the work of a specific process of thinking.

All of have the gift of creative thinking. However, many of us do not use it effectively. We have to tap into our creativity in the proper way. It is something like bringing out the under earth water spring. There is a process of doing it. If we are not able to use the under ground spring for effectively, it is our mistake.

Disney Creative Strategy offers a simple but powerful technique to use our creativity. The Disney Corporation had three studios – the Dreamer, Realist and Critic. An idea should pass through the three stages. In the Dreamer Studio a person can come up with any idea, even an absurd idea. No one can shoot down an idea at this stage.

In the Realist Studio, the practicality of the idea will be considered. The originator of the idea should prove that the idea is practical and feasible. He should also come out with issues such as resources, strategy and plan of action to implement the idea.


Once the idea is accepted to be realistic, it should pass through the Critic Studio where the content of the idea will be subject to lot of criticism and it should stand all that. Once the idea passes through the Critic Studio, the same will be implemented.


We can easily impellent the above strategy in our daily life. Think about an idea.



For example:


  • To start an online magazine
  • To start a Sports Club for physically challenged people
  • To write book and sell one million copies


Once you are clear about your idea, earmark three distinct places in your room and call them as Dreamer, Realist and Critic Studios. Take the idea, sit on each of the places for not less than one hour and introspect on the idea and let the idea pass through the three phases.


Notice what happens to your idea!


N C Sridharan



Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


19th January 2011


`Our society is so caught up in winning, we forget that most of the great men and women in history have, at one time or another, failed at something. Often repeatedly, and discouragingly. But each failure is nothing more than a brick in the wall that forms the foundation of our success. We can't forget that'.


Carlton Young



We have to succeed ultimately. On our way to final success we may meet with intermittent failures. If you are not failing at all, it means that you are not working hard enough or that you have easy to achieve goals. You may not be having what are called `stretch goals'. Your real worth comes out only when you are tested on difficult tasks.


Robert Toru Kiyosaki is a famous motivation speaker and a writer. He is best known for his Rich Dad Poor Dad series of motivation books. He has written over 15 books and all his books put together have sold more than 26 million copies.


But his manuscripts were rejected by several publishing houses!


If you have not read Chicken Soup for the Soul  series of books you are missing something. The author Mark Victor Hansen is the most popular writer the world has ever produced. His books have sold over 140 million copies in 54 world languages!


Over a dozen publishers rejected his manuscripts!


J K Rowling's first Harry Potter novel was rejected by over twelve publishers including Penguin, Transworld and HarperCollins. Ultimately a  small London publisher Bloomsbury published the book on the advice of the CEO's nine year old daughter!

Do you know that the University of Sothern California rejected Steven Spielberg because of his C grade?

John Grisham's first novel A Time To Kill was rejected by over sixteen publishers until Wynwood Press accepted to publish the same. The book was great success!

Doris May Lessing won the 2007 Nobel Prize in Literature, the eleventh woman and the oldest ever person to receive the Noble Prize for Literature. She was ranked fifth of  `The 50 Greatest British writers since 1945' by The Times.

When Doris May Lessing sent her writing under a pseudonym, it was rejected!

These people did not give up!

N C Sridharan



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