[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


17th January 2011


`The strength of any weakness within us is the degree to which it is feared'


Guy Finley


Fear is a natural instinct. It informs us that something is not okay. It should trigger us into some positive action. Fear by itself is not to be wished away. We should not aim at a situation where we banish fear totally from our system. It all depends upon whether we use fear as a positive energy.


Let's say that we start something new. In fact we have to start something new to keep ourselves current. Just as a product has a life cycle, our services also have a life cycle. A time will come when what we offer will become obsolete. We have to re-launch ourselves. Whenever we do this, we may have fear. But the most important thing is, whether fear overwhelms us, or we overcome fear?


Dr. Ignatius Piazza was fresh out of Chiropractic School at Monterey Bay of California and wanted to set up his chiropractic practice. Everyone warned him that there are too many people in the place offering the same service and that he will not succeed. But he was determined to pursue his practice.


Over the next 4 months he spent ten hours per day going door to door and introduced himself. He did 12,500 door knocks and spoke to 6500 people inviting them to his open house. The result was awesome! In the first month of his practice he got nearly 250 new patients and earned US $ 72,000/- in one month!


Over this weekend, list one fear and list the intensity of the same in your mind. Ask the question: what if and what next? Mitigate the intensity of the fear and see what happens to your self-confidence!


N C Sridharan



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