[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


27th January 2011

`Within you right now us the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as soon as you can change your beliefs.'

Maxwell Maltz

We are driven by what we believe we can. If we are confident internally, we will look and behave confident external. We will reach out to our dream. On the other hand, if we do not believe that we are capable of making it, we will rationalize and justify our failure. With this mindset we will look for excuses. If we believe that our goal is realistic, we will list all the steps required to be taken. With this mindset, we will list all the reasons why our goal is possible.

So, with one mindset we look for reasons and with another mindset, we look for excuses. We can find both, the only difference being what we look for. This is also called the `self fulfilling prophesy'.

Do a small exercise. Stop reading this and look around. Notice and list all the articles around you which are red in colour. Then look around and notice and list all the articles which are blue. Similarly so it for other colours also. You will notice that when you were looking for red colour articles, articles with other colours did not register in your mind! They also existed, but they did not exist in `your world' since your mind asked your brain to look for only that colour and ignore others!

This simple principle guides your thinking process and actions throughout your life. List all those things which you honestly want in your life. List all the beliefs that limit you from taking the first step. Opposite to that list all the reasons why that belief is not true and ponder over. Do this exercise couple of times. You will evolve with a new set of powerful belief system that will push you into action.

N C Sridharan




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