[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


12th January 2011


`Action is the antidote to despair'

Joan Baez


There will be occasions in our life where we will find a very big gap between what we want to achieve and what we are capable of achieving. Obstacles may confront us. Some obstacles may be big and some may be minor, but still irritating. Sometime we may be facing obstacles which we least expected. What is required during such occasions is sheer will power and an steady mind. We need to keep the end result in mind and visualize ourselves reaching the same. Such a frame of mind will give us the energy and enthusiasm to work for our goals.


There is bridge called The Brooklyn Bridge connecting Manhattan and Brooklyn. The history of the bridge is very interesting. In 1883 a creative engineer by name John Roebling and his son Washington, an upcoming engineer, wanted to construct this bridge. Somehow, they convinced the bankers and began constructing the bridge. Unfortunately, after a few months of commencement of the work, a major site accident killed John Roebling and severely wounded Washington. Washington suffered a severe brain damage and he lost his speech and could not walk. He could move only his little finger. At a time when there was no gadget to store the engineering drawing, all the details of the bridge was only in the mind of Washington and he could not speak. However, his desire to complete his father's dream bridge was very intensive.


For the next 13 years, he communicated the entire drawing to his wife by tapping his little finger through a code language he created to communicate. His wife understood the drawing and the bridge was constructed!


Think of a project that you find difficult to implement. If you feel despair, think about this story and notice what happens to your determination!


N C Sridharan




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