[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


6th January 2011


`The depth of your methodology is the extent of your effectiveness'

John Maxwell


Couple of years ago I invited a world-class cricketer to address the students of my school. One of the students asked him what the secret for his success is. He said there are three secrets – hard work, hard work and hard work! It looks very simple and common sense, but it is very true. No matter what is our field of specialization, there is no substitute for hard work. And, it is not mere hard work, but consistent and systematic hard work.


This is what we learn from the life of great people. Winston Churchill, the legendary leader of the twentieth century is known for his oratory. His speech empowered the English people to rally around him and won the world war II. He practiced his speeches compulsively.


Vladimer Samoylovich Horoswitz was a Russian-American classical virtuoso pianist and a legend and considered to be one of the greatest pianist of the 20th Century. He is supposed to have said, `If I don't practice for a day, I know it. If I don't practice for two days, my wife knows it. If I don't practice for three days, the world knows it'!


The world class basketball legend Michael Jordan is known for his killing  practice. That was the reason for his success, even though he was dropped from his school basketball team. Tiger Woods, the living legend in Golf was introduced to the game by his father when he was a 18 months child! This gave him a 15 years advantage over his nearest competitors.


Here's is simple exercise for you. Write down the question `Am I working hard enough?' on a strip of paper and paste it on your table and notice what happens to your mindset over the next thirty days!


N C Sridharan



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