[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


14th January 2011

`Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day which says, I'll try again tomorrow'


Mary Anne


Nothing can defeat us, except our own lack of resolve and determination. As long as we are clear in what we want and sincerely try with all our efforts, we will achieve whatever we want to achieve.


Several years ago there was a school boy in a school in United States who used to come to school early and start the fire place before the class starts. Then he will join other students in the classroom for studies. One morning as the other students entered the class they noticed a major fire in the classroom and the boy had to be pulled out from the fire with major burn injuries, almost dead. He was admitted into a hospital and the doctors gave up hopes and told the mother that the chance of surviving is nil.


The boy was listening to this, but he wanted to live. Miraculously the boy survived. But the doctors said that it is better that the boy had died, since he will be totally paralyzed from waist. The boy was listening to this. But he wanted to walk and run.

After a few weeks, he was discharged from the hospital in a wheel chair and was confined to the house. One day, he pulled himself off from the wheel chair and attempted to stand up. He fell down, but he pulled himself up and persisted. He limped himself to the fence. He struggled, but he was resolved to walk. He was determined to be normal.


In a few weeks, he walked to the school. Then he ran to the school. Then he joined a track.


On June, 16th 1934, he ran the world's fastest mile in Madison Square Garden to become the first human being to run so fast. He is Dr. Glenn Cunningham who ran covered one mile in 4:08:8 mts!


There is one secret behind the success of any great person: perseverance!


N C Sridharan





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