[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


31st January 2011

`The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live'

Norman Cousins

Scan your life and recall to your mind the last ten years. Are you the same? Do you recall your younger days? Close your eyes, take a time machine, and travel back to your childhood days. After reading this paragraph, sincerely do this exercise.

Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and relax. Recall to your mind your youngest days and see vividly all that you did. Take any phase of your life. It could be a typical day in your life. It could a typical school day. Recall the face of your teacher. Look around and see your friends. Who is sitting left to you and who is sitting to your right? Are you in the front desk or the rear desk? What is the colour of the dress you are wearing? Recall the expression of the class teacher. As you are sitting in the classroom, take a pen and paper and list all your qualities that you know you already have. See your pen write all those words. Creative, inquisitive, humorous, active, jovial, playful, creative, energetic etc.

Now slowly open your eyes and come back to this place where you are sitting and reading this paragraph. Recall to your mind all the qualities you listed in the exercise and write them down. After writing all the qualities, check if you still have them in you.

What happened to that creative person in you? What happened to that energetic and inquisitive person? What happened to that instant humour that you had once? What happened to that hobby which you loved most?

If these qualities are not there with you now, it means that they are dead! Imagine your life now with all those qualities, which you had once and what will be the qualities of your life!

Death does not mean the end of the physical existence. It also means the disappearance of the various qualities we have today with or without our knowledge! Life and living is not the physical body which we have, but all those invisible parameters we have which gives us the personality and character!

N C Sridharan



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