[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


11th January 2011


Make small changes


Little drops of water,
little grains of sand,
make the mighty ocean
and the beauteous land.

And the little moments,
humble though they may be,
make the mighty ages
of eternity.

Little deeds of kindness,
little words of love,
make our earth an Eden,
like the heaven above.

So our little errors
lead the soul away,
from the paths of virtue
into sin to stray.

Little seeds of mercy
sown by youthful hands,
grow to bless the nations
far in heathen lands.

Glory then for ever
be to God on high,
beautiful and loving,
to eternity.


Julia Carney


January is the month of new resolutions and affirmations and most of which disappears within a few weeks! There is something very sentimental and emotional about New Year resolutions. Most of us think that personal changes should be large-scale changes. However, the problem of large-scale changes is the fact that it becomes overwhelming and we are afraid to take the first step to make it happen. Or we give up after a few days since it calls for a greater resolve and perseverance.


Why not try small changes or some fifty small things you want to do in the year ahead. One of my friends sent me a sample list:

  • To get up 30 minutes early for the next three days
  • Or to go to bed thirty minutes late than the usual time for the next three days
  • To meet on old friend over the next three months
  • To write one page of my thoughts every one week
  • To donate old cloths to a deserving person over the next six months
  • Not to use the mobile phone for one hour over the next one week
  • To exercise or jog for five minutes over the next ten days
  • To read a book during the next six months.


If you read the above list, you will notice that they are very small things which can be done very easily. Instead of getting stuck with big attractive resolutions, which we may give up after a few days, resolving to do small things will increase our self confidence. And over a period of time, we can build on this and try big things.


Can you list your own small personal changes?


N C Sridharan



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