[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


28th January 2011

Once your thoughts reflect what you genuinely want to be, the appropriate emotions and the consequent behaviour will flow automatically. Believe it and you will see it.

Wayne Dyer


Our mind is an amazing thing. It will give a final shape to your dream. It is almost certain that once you are honest about what you want, your mind will take over. It is something like the auto piloting through which an aircraft can be controlled from a remote place.

We should know that there are three types of mind: the conscious, the subconscious and the unconscious. We are aware of what is going on in our conscious mind. We notice our thoughts and ideas that occupy our conscious mind. Once we constantly think of some idea deeply in our conscious mind, it is `embedded' in our subconscious mind. Once this process is complete, we will even dream about this in our sleep. If you recall you would have dreamt about your real life situations in your dream. In fact, for some people dream is an extension of what happens in their daily life.

Once the subconscious mind catches the idea, we will be `programmed' to carry out several actions in our life and we may not know why we do it. Some of them may even appear to be illogical. We can call it as intuition. We may not even be conscious of what we do and why do it that way.

Once the idea gets into our subconscious mind, we will experience a `flow' and what we want to do and what we do will be in harmony. We will be at ease with what we do and we will be able to face any difficult situation with a sense of challenge. We will not get irritated and upset when things do not go the way we want.

In the ultimate analysis, we are what our mind decides!

N C Sridharan



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