[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


8th February 2011

`The difference between great and average or lousy in any job is, mostly, having the imagination and zeal to recreate yourself daily'.

Tom Peters

All of us want to be great performers. There is no doubt at the intentional stage of anyone's ambition. The critical question is: do we really mean it? In my time management programme I ask one question very frequently: how many of you want to be great achievers?  Almost all the hands will go up. But when I ask the next question `how many of you are highly creative on a daily basis?', very few hands will go up. In fact many participants believe that just because they have succeeded in the past, the same formula will continue to work in the future also.

One of the amazing qualities of great people is their ability to continuously improve themselves. They are always alert to new opportunities and continuously sharpen their fitness. They have the following questions constantly in their mind:

·         How am I doing now?

·         Am I on the right track?

·         Am I at my best?

·         Who or what is my bench mark?

·         Am I reaching my outcome?

·         If I am not reaching my outcome in life, why?

·         How am I going to innovate and recreate myself so that my ambitions are met?

Great achievers believe in continuously improving themselves. They believe I checking if they are fit for today and ready for tomorrow. With this frame of mind, they evolve as new person everyday with the learning of the previous day.

Sometime back I heard a management consultant saying that the Japanese believe that a day in their life is a waste if they have not come out with a new idea on that day!

How about you?

N C Sridharan



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