[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


16th February 2011

`Whatever you can do, or dream you can, …begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it'



All of us dream, but all do not achieve our dreams. There is a gap between dreaming and execution. Great people differ from others in their ability to formulate a strategy to accomplish their dreams. In fact they are experts in planning every details of their actions required to accomplish their dreams.

Many of us lack the initial courage and boldness to take the first step required. Many of us suffer from the problem of `inertia' or the state of slowness to act. The dictionary meaning of the word `inertia' is `the property by which matter continues in its existing state of rest or line of motion unless acted upon by a force'. It this inertia, which keeps us from taking the first step, required to achieve our goal. I my time management seminar I ask the participants to list why they don't act immediately even though they want to act. The following are some of the popular reasons that I come across:

·         Fear of failure or uncertainty

·         Lack of self-confidence

·         Laziness

·         Lack of clarity on action plan

·         Procrastination

·         Lack of motivation

·         Lack of appreciation on the benefits of acting

We can go on listing. Whatever may be the reason for our inertia, we will be loser is we don't act in time.

One way to overcome this `starting problem' is to close our eyes for a few minutes and meditate on the task we have been procrastinating and visualize what will be consequence of our inertia. We have to visualize see the chain of events in our mind's eye. We should also see the benefits that will follow if we acted immediately. This process will empower us to act immediately.

Take a project and do this exercise over this weekend and see the impact on you!

N C Sridharan



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