[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


22nd February 2011

Continuity and Concentration

Concentrate; put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket...

Andrew Carnegie

For accomplishing any task there is a minimum processing time. For any commercial venture there should be a minimum investment. For any outcome there should be a minimum amount of effort. If an electric bulb is to burn, there should be a minimum amount of electric current. These are laws of nature. If we do not cause an effect by some investment or other, the effect will not be there.

I interviewed over five hundred successful person before writing my book `The Gift of Time' which contains over 550 simple tips on how to invest time to enhance the output per unit of time, which I call as the productivity per unit of time. One common trait I noticed in successful people is their enthusiasm to concentrate on their task for a considerable amount of time. It is their will power to focus all their attention for a sufficiently long duration of time on their task by consistently pursuing the required efforts. I also noticed that they also get interrupted like any one of us. But, what distinguishes them from us is their remarkable ability to return to the task after the interruption is over.

Nothing comes out of nothing. Unless we develop, we will not get certain traits and habits. We need to develop this trait of consistency and continuity of efforts. It is like developing biceps and triceps in our muscles.

Before developing anything, we have to know where we are now and where we want to be. This gap assessment will reveal how much practice and training we have to put in to reach the requisite level.

Tonight do a simple exercise. Start counting one to hundred, fully concentrating all your attention on the number you are counting. After reaching hundred, count back to one. In between if you miss out any number, you have to go back and start again. Do this exercise sincerely and you will be pleasantly surprised how weak we are on this important trait of continuity and concentration!

N C Sridharan





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