[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


15th February 2011

`What comes from the heart, goes to the heart'

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Communication is what distinguishes human beings from other livings beings. Communication is not speaking, is not talking, is not delivering, is not saying something. It is not a mechanical process. If it is mechanical process, a tape recorder also delivers a message. But it cannot connect with people. But human beings who want to not only deliver a message should also aim to connect emotionally with the person to whom he communicates. If this is absent, there is no purpose of communicating with someone.

Next time when someone is communicating with you, notice if the communication is coming from the lips or from the heart. Of it is coming from the heart, you will emotionally connect with the person. Notice the following parameters when someone is communicating with you:

  • The facial expression: Notice if there is a lack of congruency between the audio and visual content of communication.
  • The voice inflection: Inflection is the ability to change the pitch of the voice to suit the content and feeling.
  • Gestures: Notice the movement of hands, eyebrows, eyes, and the other bodily aspect of communication.
  • The interest level: Understand and evaluate the interest level and enthusiasm of the communicator.

What is stated above applies to you also when someone is communicating with you! It will be useful to get trained in the fine art of communicating. This will decide the cutting edge of human relationship.

N C Sridharan



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