[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


9th February 2011

                `To stay ahead, always have your next idea waiting in the wings'

Rosabeth Moss Kanter

We live in a world of constant change and continuous improvement. What is even more important is the pace of change. If you take all the changes that have taken place for the past thirty years and compare the same with the changes that have taken place during the last ten years, you will understand what I mean by pace of change.

In an era of change products and services become obsolete very fast. The best product and services will become redundant with the appearance of better products. The expectations of people are also changing constantly. Unless and until we keep pace with the changes, we will become redundant.

We have to be constantly thinking of better strategies and ideas. We have to be creative and innovative on a day-to-day basis. We have to ask the following questions constantly to ensure that we are current:

What is that I am offering to the society now?

What is the idea behind the product and services that I offer now?

Is there a better idea that is more relevant in today's context?

Am I spending adequate time for thinking, in addition to working?

Here is an idea, which you can consider implementing. Mark a specific area in your house where you can spend some quality time everyday and devote the entire time for thinking. Call this as your idea factory and roll out new ideas. Alternatively, call it your R & D Lab and check if your ideas and products are any more valid. Do this exercise every day before going to sleep. You need not spend a lot of time on this portfolio. It could be as little as ten minutes. But make it as a regular habit.

Do this for about six months and notice what happens to your own inner personality!

N C Sridharan



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