[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


18th February 2011

`Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, not do the children of men as whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing'

Helen Keller

We live in a world of endless opportunities. This is also an era of total change. In a changing society, there are only challenges and crisis. The pace of change is amazing.  If you consider all the changes that have taken place in the last two decades and compare just the changed during the last two years, you will understand what I mean.

Security is a mirage. It appears as though it is there. But it is myth. There is no security in the society. What was valid and true during the last decade is not relevant today. Our modern children are brought up is an environment of protection. When the protection is removed, they will realize what real life is.

During the recent recession, organizations that survived are those who were prepared for the change. A highly protected company will find it very difficult to manage when the protection is removed.

In schools subjects are taught. But what is not taught is even more important and critical for survival. Life skills education is very important. We have become mature to handle any contingencies.

We need to develop certain attitudes to survive the world of change and challenge. On way is what I call as `tasking', which I teach in my time management programme. It consists of taking up a task which is somewhat beyond your comfort level and challenging ourselves to do it. If we are used to receiving some help, we should surrender the help and still doing it to check if we are over dependant on the external help. Have you ever tried to walk with eyes closed? Do it for a while and realize what is meant by challenging ourselves.

Daring is an attitude of mind. To dare is become bold. You cannot become bold if you do not task yourself with difficult projects.

N C Sridharan



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