[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


21st February 2011


Nothing limits achievement like small thinking; nothing expands possibilities like unleashed imagination.

~William Arthur Ward


In my time management programme, I give a project to the participants called `My Mount Everest'. I this project I encourage the participants to come out with wildly important' goals in their lives. In this the word wildly is very relevant for the project. All of us have an urge to achieve. But the urge should be used to fuel great things in life.

If we really think, our own thinking restricts us. If we think something is possible, we will take all those actions, which need to be taken. If the goal that is to be achieved is great, we take great efforts. If we pursue ordinary goals, we will take ordinary efforts.

The moment we set our eyes on huge tasks, all our limitations will disappear and all our hidden forces will appear. The question is: are we inspired by great thoughts? We need to explore our inner potential and reach put to the world of fantastic opportunities.

The difference between choosing an ordinary goals and an extraordinary goal will be in the amount of internal energy that will be generated. Bigger the goal, higher will be our energy level. We should find a goal big enough to inspire us, something that will cause us to unleash our hidden power. This mindset will make our hidden potential to turn the invisible to visible.

Let explain this with a simple example. Whenever we have to undertake a long travel, don't we check and mobilize our resources? Don't we fuel our car adequately? Don't we take enough rest before we start our journey so that we complete the travel safely? The difference lies in the destination we have in our mind and what we will get when we arrive at the destination.

This mental preparation will give us the extra boost of energy to reach out to the world of infinite opportunities.

Over this weekend list out three Mount Everest projects in your personal or official life and visualize the benefit that will accrue to you when you achieve the same. Meditate on the project and notice what happens to your energy level!

N C Sridharan



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