[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


24th February 2011

`It is not because things are difficult that we don't dare; it is because we don't dare that they are difficult'


In life, we take a lot of decisions which ultimately decide the quality of our life. One important decision is judging how far we should stretch our efforts. We have a choice to decide our own standards and benchmarks. Many times we decide that a thing is `difficult' based on certain data and information. If our decision is based on specific data, then it is a fact-based decision. However, if our decision is based on our `opinion', we need to challenge if our opinion is a reality or a perception.

I have been repeatedly writing about the link between our mind and brain. our brain is controlled by our mind. If the mind is bold and courageous, our brain looks for such information that will support our action plan. On the other hand, if our mind is filled with fear or threat, our brain will direct our attention to seek such facts that will discourage us from acting.

But our mind is a sincere servant and wants to protect us. Like any other servant, the mind also needs to be mentored and trained. Any self-development is mind development. When we are born, our brain is fully formed and we cannot `develop' our brain. But our mind is blank when we are born and gradually evolves to maturity by careful training and mentoring.

One way to make our mind powerful is to feed it with such information which will empower us. in my time management seminars I encourage participants to read success stories and autobiographies of great achievers. There are blind people who have achieved great things; there are physically handicapped people who have climbed the Mount Everest. There a hundreds and thousands of rags to riches stories; there are people who ultimately succeeded when everyone thought they will fail. Einstein, Watson, Steven Spielberg, Paton, Walt Disney, Steve Jobs are all examples who dared.

So, tonight you decide which category you belong to: are you the person who feels a thing is difficult and so you don't dare, or you don't want to dare and rationalize your decision by saying that it is difficult!

N C Sridharan



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