[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


23rd February 2011


You cannot change anything in your life with intention alone, which can become a watered-down, occasional hope that you'll get to tomorrow. Intention without action is useless.


Caroline Myss


What is the use of software without a computer system? What is the use of a computer without the requisite software? What is the use of a most advanced computer with the latest software without the knowledge of how to use the same? what is the use of a state of the art computer fully loaded with the latest software in the hands of a software technician without the intention of using the same?

Ultimately, it is the action and the will to act. Everything else is secondary.

In my intensive time management programme, I take the participants on the various details of goal setting process. We even break the goal into long term, medium term and short-term goals. We divide the goal into tasks, tasks into subtasks and the participants even decide a step-by-step action plan to realize the goals. Some participants even have a plush leather bound `organizer', which is a wonderful tool to plan one's activities and link the same with a time frame.

But, at the end of one week or a fortnight, I have seen many participants at the same stage I left them in the programme! At the same time they will be as enthusiastic about their goals as they were during the programme.

I call this as `action paralysis'. The reason for this the fact there is no link between what the mind wants to do and what the brain wants to do. Something should take place in the human system to make this connected. If we are not connected with our goals emotionally, we will never come out of the action paralysis syndrome.

The more and more I underwent NLP training, the more I understood how to make this connection.

Think for a while: are you suffering from `action paralysis'?

N C Sridharan



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