[Time-Management] 10 Days Improvement Plan!


7th July 2011

Day 11

Try a very very difficult exercise today! Keep your eyes closed for a solid 10 minutes! Try doing this `simple' exercise and you will realise how difficult is it. Stop reading this, set the timer in your mobile for ten minutes, determine that you will remain eye closed for a solid ten minutes, and close your eyes. You should not open your eyes until the timer goes off.

I'm sure some of you would have tried this exercise and noticed how difficult it is. Our mind is distracted by two major distractions: what attracts our eyes and what attracts our ears. Consequently our time is dissipated. If only we can control these two sensory organs, we will be able to substantially improve our concentration and focus. Whenever you are travelling by a car (and if you are not driving!), try this self imposed training. Then focus all your attention on some important issue that you are presently handling. You will be able to focus your thoughts around the issue on hand. Slowly you can increase this exercise to longer duration.

Try this today!

N C Sridharanwww.thetimefoundation.com

(PS: The next `IGNITE' open programme is on 16th July (Sat) @ Chennai. Please send your mail to thetimefoundation@gmail.com for details)


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