[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


27th Jul 2011

Day 25

I any organisation once every year a complete inventory will be taken. The purpose is to take stock of the assets and the liability so that the balance sheet can be drawn. The health of an organisation can be seen not merely looking at the profit and loss account, but also at the balance sheet. The investors will be keen to know the liability side of the balance sheet. As individuals, we should also know our liabilities. One area we have to be sensitive is our bad habits.

Today, make an inventory of your bad habits! Sit calmly and list at least ten bad habits which you want to get rid of. As against each bad habit, honestly write down how the same has affected your life. Just visualise how your life would be now and in future without these bad habits.

The law of nature is very clear: what is noticed alone will grow. The same applies to remove something bad. Unless you notice a bad habit you cannot remove the same. It's like garbage removal. Unless you notice, you will not remove!

Today is inventory taking day!

N C Sridharan



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