[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement plan!


6th   July 2011

100 Days Improvement Plan!

Day 10

Have you noticed a new born child breathing? You will realise how we have spoilt our breathing over a period of time! Newborn babies do what is called `diaphragmatic breathing'. They inhale fully, pause, and exhale fully. This process makes them healthy.

Today you go and meet a yoga master, if you have not already done. They will explain the scientific reason behind the breathing exercise, which in yoga parlance is called `pranayama'. In this yoga exercise, we are advised to breath in very fast, hold the air in our diaphragm and exhale very slowly. If you think for a while, you will understand the reason: the air is purified in the lungs and the cleaned, richly oxygenated air is absorbed by the blood vessels and supplied to the brain. A richly oxygenated brain virtually becomes a `powerhouse' giving us the much needed energy to fire us into action.

From today make it a point to breathe well for fifteen minutes early morning and take advantage of the ozone rich air and watch what happens to your health! A perfect pranayam exercise is even better.

N C Sridharan


(PS: The next `IGNITE' open programme is on 16th July (Sat) @ Chennai. Please send your mail to thetimefoundation@gmail.com for details)


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