[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


18th July 2011

Day 18

I come across people who do not like even small changes in their life. They sit in the same seat, eat the same food, meet the same people during lunch etc. There are some people who will be very inflexible even in very small things like the bed they sleep on, the route they take to office etc.

Flexibility is a very important trait. If there is life, there will be flexibility. A live plant or tree is flexible. If the tree is chopped and dried, it becomes inflexible. So is the case of a human body. As long as there is life, the human body is flexible.

Try this from today. Take a different route to your office. Sit in a table different from where you used to sit in the canteen. Dress differently. Eat in a different restaurant. Order a different food and enjoy. If you have a home office, change the direction of the table and notice how you feel. Do you feel shy to speak to new people, get yourself introduced to the first stranger you meet today!  

Do it today!

N C Sridharan



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