[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


25th July 2011

Day 23

Developing an eye for details is an important quality. Great people have this. This is a mindset and attitude which clarity on what they want and what exactly they need to do.

Going into the details is a left brain function. Getting an overall perspective is a right side function. We need both to succeed in life. There are ways to enhance our ability to improve our eye for details.  

Here is an exercise you can do to develop an eye for details.

Take any object and look at it for a few moments and set it aside. Recall to your mind what all you noticed in the object. Now, take the same object again and this time look at the same object and go into details. Improve the quality of your focus; imagine that there is nothing else existing in the world other than the object. Have a close look at the object and write down more things about the object. You will be surprised to notice what all you missed! Repeat this exercise as many times as possible.

Notice what happens to your life!

N C Sridharan



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