[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


14th July 2011

Day 16

Some time back I wrote about an idea book which I suggested that you carry everywhere you go to jot down every idea that pops up in your mind.

How about a `learning book'? The other day I met a very important person, who showed me a book in which he writes every day what new thing he learnt that day. It's not a diary, which is different. A diary is a planner and a scheduler where you write down appointments. On the other hand a learning book registers something you learnt that day.

Supposing you miss a plane, write down one new thing you learnt while you went through the tension of missing the flight; if you meet with a minor accident, jot down what you learnt out of that experience; if you mess up something in the office and your boss shouts at you, jot down one learning point.

Once every month read all the learning points that you've registered and you will be stunned at the richness of the experience!

It's a simple, yet powerful self improvement plan.

Do it from today!

N C Sridharan


(PS: The next `IGNITE' open programme is on 16th July (Sat) @ Chennai. Please send your mail to thetimefoundation@gmail.com for details)


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