[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


13th July 2011

Day 15

I'm sure you would have calculated your waiting time. There is much more `time treasure' to be dug just underneath your feet!

On an average, how much time you spend in travelling in a day? About 45 minutes? Let's calculate. 45 minutes per day means 1170 minutes per month for 26 days; this means 14040 minutes in a year; 351,000 minutes in an active life span of 25 years; 5850 hours; this is 731 man days which means 2 solid years!

Of course I have not included the travel during vacations!

Today, can you think how you can convert the travel time into productive time? Do you say `I don't have time to read, I don't have time to think, I don't have time to plan, I don't have time to .....'? How about using the travel time in the most appropriate way? Can you not put on an iPod and listen to your most favourite music, for which you say that you don't have time? How about learning a new language the same way?

Where there is a will, there is a way!

N C Sridharan


(PS: The next `IGNITE' open programme is on 16th July (Sat) @ Chennai. Please send your mail to thetimefoundation@gmail.com for details)


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