[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


19th July 2011

Day 19

Have you heard the old adage `speech is silver and silence is gold'? Here's another very difficult exercise – keeping quiet! Set your timer and decide not to speak even one word during the next one hour. You will realise how difficult is this simple exercise.

The power of communication is a very unique gift which only human beings have. This skill distinguishes the human beings form other living things. But it is also the most misused and over used skill. When you develop an ability to remain silent, you will notice that it substantially enhances your energy. You may question how your energy and speaking are connected with each other, but it is true. In addition, this `self imposed silent hour' will also give you the gift of `thinking time'.

A journalist friend of mine will maintain complete silence every Wednesday and he says that it's his `writing day'.

There is another context where you can practice silence – when others speak. Some people cannot wait for others to complete their communication and will interrupt. From today notice if you also belong to this `club'!

N C Sridharan



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