[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


29th July 2011

Day 27


Have you heard of `Thanks Giving Day'? Why not every day is a Thanks Giving Day? We cannot do what we want to do alone. We need the help of many. We need the cooperation and active involvement of many. In fact we also need the complete lack of cooperation and inaction of others! If everyone cooperates and provide an ideal environment, we will not mature in life! Isn't true?


We should recall people's help and thank them. While thanking both the person thanking as well as the person receiving feel happy. People yearn for recognition and reciprocation as much as they yearn for help and support. When we recognise and reciprocate, we build healthy relationship and emotional wellness.


Today, try this. Make a list all those who helped in someway or other – small or big. Everyday, send a thank you card to one person and don't go to bed unless you've done this! In this electronic era, it is very easy to do. You can sms, you can e mail, you can use your mobile…


Notice what happens to the quality relationship and emotional wellness!


N C Sridharan



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