[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 64

20th September 2011

The saying `speech is silver and silence is gold' is really true. Cut down unnecessary talk. Observe silent hour every day which will give you a clear mind. It will increase your focus and concentration.

I read an interesting story.  A leading company advertised for a `walk in interview' for a salesman. A lot of candidates came and they were waiting in the hall, making a lot of noise chitchatting, talking loudly on their mobile phone etc. The whole room was very noisy. But one candidate was very calm and kept watching what was happening in the room. At that time he heard a mild announcement which said that anyone who hears the announcement can come and collect the appointment order which others did not hear since they were busy talking. He went inside and collected the appointment order! All the other candidates accused him of bribing the company to get appointed. But the General Manager came and explained that the announcement was meant to anyone who heard the same and since he only heard it, he only got appointed!

Now tell me: isn't silence gold?

N C Sridharan



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