[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 68

26th September 2011

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

Sir Richard Steele

Fine tune and improve the quality of your `reading portfolio'. In an era of infinite and exciting opportunities we can realise even a very `wild' dream through an effective strategy. Focused knowledge acquisition is an integral part of our competitive strategy. Compared to ten years ago, our competition has also grown several times and we have to be smart to survive competition.

The cutting edge which will decide our success is our knowledge base which will assume great importance in the era of perfect competition. Consider the following:

  • Focus your reading. Don't read everything of anything.
  • Read with a purpose. Before reading decide how it will be useful.
  • Set aside specific time and place to read. Even if your skip eating, don't skip reading!
  • Use technology to improve your reading. Use internet, e book, audio books, iPods, etc.
  • Target your reading topic wise, form a discussion group and study group.

Honestly audit your reading portfolio to check if it is adequate given your responsibility and ambitions in life. Remember: knowledge acquisition is an important survival strategy and not a luxury anymore!

N C Sridharan



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