[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 59

13th September 2011

A task is different from an activity. A task is the end result of an activity or a bunch of activities. Your time is always filled up with activities and not with tasks. Successful people identify tasks to be completed and then ask the question: what should I do to accomplish this task? We should work smart and not hard. Hard work fills up the day, while smart working means working very little to accomplish big things. Smartness also means not working at all if required and spending that time to plan what should be done. This distinguishes effectiveness from efficiency. Smart working means asking such questions as: What will happen if I don't do this activity? Should I do this work or can someone else do it even more efficiently than me?

Make the following your working trait:

  • Tasks to be completed every day.
  • Tasks to be completed every week.
  • Tasks to be completed every month.
  • Tasks to be completed every year.

After making this list, ensure that the tasks you identified are measurable and have a time bound action plan.

N C Sridharan



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