[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 73

3rd October 2011

You will never "find" time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.
Charles Bruxton

Are you a `Jack of all trades, but master of none'?

Today we live in a world of specialization and you have to be specialist in one specific field. You should identify your special talent and become an expert in that area. You should focus all your efforts to develop that talent. This is called `core competency'. Many organizations focus all their attention on their core competence and even stop manufacturing products which do not fit into this strategy.

Over this weekend, introspect and reflect to find out your core competency. Analyze and evaluate if you are spending adequate time on this area. Check if your time is dissipated on activities which may be interesting, but does not relate to your core competency. Prepare a `not to do list' in which you list at least five activities which do not belong to your core specialization area to release your time to pursue the most important activities.

Unless you say `no' to unimportant, but interesting trivial things, you will not find time to do the most important and critical things which will add value to your life.

N C Sridharan



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