[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 76

  6th October 2011

 `The inevitable consequence of poverty is dependence'

Samuel Johnson

We need the help of others to succeed in life. But we should not become over dependent on people. We should not become paralysed if there is no help. There may be some special helps from professionals such as doctors, lawyers, coaches etc, which we cannot avoid. We should become independent for doing simple things. 

Consider the following:

·         Can you drive your car without your driver?

·         Can you make your own coffee if someone is not available to do it for you?

·         Can you clean your house or car yourself?

·         Washing and ironing your clothes?

·         Trimming and maintaining your garden yourself without anyone's help?

·         Typing your project report without the help of your typist or secretary?

·         Can you make some basic food items without help? 

Over the next two weeks, identify at least ten areas for which you totally depend on someone. Every week choose two things and do it on your own and check if you could do it.  Do this sincerely. Two things will happen. One, you will become self dependent. Two, your self-confidence will go up!

N C Sridharan



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