[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 71

29th September 2011

`Whenever you're in conflict with someone, there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. That factor is attitude'

William James

There is an excitement in building something. There is an even more excitement in rebuilding something! An entrepreneur will be very excited to build an organisation from the scratch. When the organisation is lost and destroyed for any reason such as obsolescence of technology or competition, he will be even more excited to build the same organisation once again.

The same thing applies to rebuilding relationship. I have seen this quality in successful people. They can fight with people and part friendship. But they can also rebuild the same relationship once again. It is an important leadership quality. In the past you may have quarrelled with someone and parted friendship. Both of you may not like it.

Over this weekend, list all those people with whom you have quarrelled and work out a strategy to rebuild the relationship. It may be difficult to overcome your ego. You may not have the attitude and the ability to communicate your feelings. You may be afraid or embarrassed to speak to that person. But still do it. It builds your personality and you will evolve as a complete person!

N C Sridharan



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