[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 65

21st September 2011

Growth and decay are part of nature. We have to decide which we want to encourage. In a garden, if you don't grow plants, weeds will grow since it is natural. If you want the plants to be green and healthy, you have to do weeding out.

We either grow muscles or flesh. When we grow muscles, we become stronger and sturdier. If we grow flesh, it will create health problems. Intelligent people will take efforts to grow muscles and destroy flesh. Similarly, we either develop healthy and unhealthy habits, traits, attitudes, character, friends etc. If these are healthy, they act as muscles. Once every month, examine if you are allowing these negative elements to grow. Periodically check out if you are proactive to grow positive attitudes, habits, friends, traits etc. Unless you invest time and resources to develop these positive elements in you, you will land up in an unhealthy environment which will hamper your growth. If you don't nip them in the bud, you will need a massive cleaning operation which will be time consuming and tiring.

Invest your time on this important portfolio.

N C Sridharan



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