[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 67

23rd September 2011

How do you present yourself when you are angry or upset? How do you express your anger? What do you say and how do you express your emotions? Do you hurt others' feelings and cause a permanent damage?

It is easy to lose our emotions, but difficult to handle such situations in a mature way. A captain of an aircraft is evaluated only when he has to handle a turbulent landing. Over the weekend, reflect how you behaved when you got angry last time. It is a good idea to remain silent and composed for ten minutes before you shout. It is also a good idea to mentally rehearse what and how you are going to react at that time. It may be difficult to practice this, but over a period of time you will get used to this style.

Every night, reflect if you wounded someone's feelings that day and resolve to improve yourself from this point of view.

As human beings we will commit mistakes, but we have to review, introspect and reflect our own emotional outbursts to evolve as a `humane' being also!

N C Sridharan



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