[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 63

19th September 2011

We will not value a resource if it is available to us freely. It applies to the scarce resource called `time'! Time lost is lost forever. Successful people are careful with time than with their money.

If you are conscious that money is scarce, you will become careful while spending. This consciousness will influence your attitude to money and your priorities. This consciousness makes you to handle two important portfolios with respect to money: budgeting and accounting. You will start accounting for every rupee you spend.

From today be conscious how you spend your time. Calculate how many hours you have in a day when you are awake and budget the various `expenditure' of your time. Decide in advance how much time you want to watch TV, read newspaper, meet people, etc. Decide if you can find a `twin purpose' for your travel time, like travelling and listening to some audio book, of course taking care of your safety.

A cash rich person knows that it is wiser to save than to earn. Similarly a `time rich person' will avoid unnecessary and invest the time elsewhere. 

N C Sridharan



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