[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 61

15th September 2011

Next time when you watch a cricketer playing, notice how carefully he keeps his tools such as the bat, the glove etc. In the same way a tennis player will take utmost care of his racquets. So will a musician take care of his violin or guitar or keyboard. A software engineer will ensure that his computer is not affected by any virus. They all know that if their main instrument fails, they will fail.

Just think which the most critical of all the instruments? Isn't our body? But do we take care of our body? If any one part of the body fails, it cannot be replaced as good as the original. Ask yourself the following questions:

·         Do I take care of my body?

·         Do I exercise regularly?

·         How are my health indicators such as blood pressure, sugar etc?

·         Am I taking sufficient precautions against breakdowns?

·         Am I eating right? Am I eating too much or too little?

·         Do I take enough rest and sleep?

Today resolve to take care of your physical body to sustain all your activities!

N C Sridharan



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