[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


7th June 2012


"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work."


I am now returning after giving a talk to a group of university students. I asked them a question: what makes the difference between excellent and ordinary work? Some said it is intelligence, some said it is passion while some others said that it is the attitude to work.

I would say that is the love of doing what you do which brings out the best in you. I was reading how Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel. He wanted to do the painting `as he liked'. Totally he painted over three hundred figures during a period of three years while the work was started in 1508. The work was completed in 1512.  Michelangelo read and reread the Old Testament while he was painting to draw his inspiration from the scriptures. In fact, Michelangelo was not a painter, but a sculpture. On compulsion from the Pope he accepted the work after some reluctance. Ultimately he painted 343 figures as a part of his project and all the figures were on the ceiling.

To paint the ceiling, Michelangelo designed his own scaffolding, a flat wooden platform on brackets built from holes in the wall near the top of the windows. Some say that Michelangelo was lying on his back and some others say that he was standing with chin up while painting all the four years!

Now, think that you are Michelangelo and return to your work which you are doing to experience the mindset of a great legend!

N C Sridharan



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