[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


29th June 2012

`The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible'


Yesterday I wrote about positive thoughts and productive thoughts. We all have thoughts. We may stop breathing for a few minutes. But we cannot reach a state of zero thoughts. It is almost impossible to reach a state of thoughtlessness. Perhaps very few people like Ramakrishna Paramahams or Swami Vivekananda might have reached this state. Some Yogis could have done it.  

Great people differ from ordinary people in respect of their thought pattern. They differ in their ratio of positive thoughts and productive thoughts. Perhaps it will be a good idea to analyse our thought pattern by asking the following questions:

  1. Are my thoughts positive or negative? If negative, how am I going to encourage positive thoughts?
  2. Form out of the positive thoughts, what percentage of the same is productive? If the thoughts are positive but nonproductive, how am I going to convert my unproductive thoughts into productive thoughts?

Perhaps it will be a good idea to have an `inventory of thoughts' by recording all the thoughts that crosses our mind and asking the above questions. Every week we can take one positive but unproductive thought and give it an action plan to make it productive.

Confusing? Do this exercise and you will understand how simple this strategy is!

N C Sridharan



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