[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


18th June 2012

`Nothing is as far away as one minute ago'

Jim Bishop

I just now completed my two day workshop `The Gift of Time' for a leading automobile organization. I explained to the participants that there are two universal bluffs: `time management' and `I have no time'.


We cannot manage time since we have no control over time and hence the term `time management' is a misnomer. What we can and should manage is the output per unit of time, just as we look at the return on investment for our money. If we invest ten thousand units of money to buy anything, we ask ourselves whether if the thing is worth the money we pay for it. Similarly we should also ask the question: is this work worth my time and what will I get by investing' my time on this work? From now on don't use the term `spending my time' and instead use the term `investing my time' and notice the shift in your attitude to time.


The second bluff is `I don't have time'. We all get the same amount of time like the busiest person on this planet.


I interviewed over 500 successful person to know how they succeeded and I noticed a common denominator with respect to their attitude to time I want to share it in my next newsletter!

N C Sridharan



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