[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


25th June 2012


"I claim to be an average man of less than average ability. I have not the shadow of a doubt that any man or woman can achieve what I have, if he or she would make the same effort and cultivate the same hope and faith."

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

I am sure you have come across people in your town who own hotels, departmental stores or any other business and very successful in their business and at the same time not highly educated or gifted. This is so with reference to world class business tycoons, be it Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. There are many school and college drop outs who have become successful in their life.

Log on to any search engine to know the success story of Steven Spielberg and you will know that he was not highly educated nor was he rich. So is the case of Akio Morita, the founder of Sony Corporation and Konosuke Matsushita. Soichiro Honda, the founder of Honda Motors was born to a blacksmith and weaver. All that his had was a keen interest in automobiles. In his younger years, he was helping his father in his bicycle repair shop. His breakthrough came in 1972 when his introduced his Honda Civic. In less than five years, he was able to sell 375,000 cars in USA!  

All these people believed in their talents and took a lot of efforts to make their dream come through. They had the passion and attitude to persevere their ambition. Their hope and faith made them to become a legend and role model.

Have faith in yourself and focus all your attention on your goal and you will also become a legend!

N C Sridharan



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