[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


26th June 2012

`If we do not plant knowledge when young, it will give us no shade when

we are old'

Lord Chesterfield

Do you invest on yourself for self-development? If you don't, please do!

We have some special talent waiting to be tapped like a tree in a seed. The seed may be excellent, but what if the details of the tree do not develop – the trunk, the branches, the leaves, the flowers, the fruit etc. As the tree develops these details, the tree becomes more valuable to the society.

This principle applies to us also. As a child, we are valuable to our parents only. As we grow into our adulthood, we have to become more valuable to the society at large. We have to develop the finer aspects of our personality such as:

·         How we communicate and interact with others

·         How we empathize and help others

·         How do we build a team

·         How do we lead, motivate and empower ourselves and others

·         How do we manage our and others' time

We should take personal responsibility for the above aspects of our personality. If we don't, like a poorly developed bonsai tree, we will be useful neither to ourselves, nor to others?

Decide: do you want to be a bonsai tree?

N C Sridharan



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