[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


19th June 2012

`The effectiveness of work increases according to geometric progression if there are no interruptions'

Andre Maurois


Time is an invisible resource and like ice it melts in your hand! Unless you are very conscious, you don't realise its passing. One day you will realise that you don't have enough time left! When you get this realization, it will be impossible to put the clock back.


Achievers have a common denominator: they can concentrate on a project for a longer duration of time and their span of uninterrupted time is longer than others. They anticipate interruptions and have a `counter measure' to avoid the same. They practice `unavailable time', insulation and isolation. They tactfully insulate themselves from unnecessary gossips. They also isolate themselves into seclusion so that they are not disturbed.


Years ago I went to interview a very senior Human Resources Head of a large organization with prior appointment. His secretary told me that he was on leave. I explained to her that he had given appointment to me. Then she allowed me to his cabin and he was there! I told him what happened and asked him why. He said that he was working on an important project. In order to have uninterrupted time, he had applied leave, told others that he will not be available and hiding in his room and working!


N C Sridharan



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