[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


20th June 2012

`Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference'

Winston Churchill.

Our attitude to resources will decide our attitude to life. Let it be any resource – water, money, electricity, people. We should not waste any resource, be it ours or someone else'. What is our response when we notice some resource being wasted is very important to decide our attitude. For  example if we see an open water tap and water being wasted, when we see a fan running without anyone being present there are all situations requiring some action by us. It is something like our response to environmental pollution.


The same is true when it comes to noticing time being wasted – whether it is our time or someone else'. For example, if you call someone for a meeting and you don't attend to him even though he has come on time, you are wasting his time. Similarly, when you are given an appointment by someone and you make him to wait for you, you are wasting his time.


The other day I went to a departmental stores with my friend. We noticed a big queue and the people in the queue were feeling restless. On noticing this, my friend met the manager of the departmental stores and suggested to open one more counter which he readily agreed and the queue became half. By this simple act my friend saved nearly 30 minutes of about fifty people!


I felt proud of my friend!


N C Sridharan



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