[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


21st June 2012

`We cannot help everyone, but everyone can help someone'

Ronald Reagan

Some people leave a permanent mark in the society they live and people miss them when they leave them. It's not important if people enjoyed your company when you were with them. What is even more important is how much they will miss you when you are not with them.

A cousin of mine is relocating to India from United States. By nature he is a people loving person. What is very unique in him is that helping others is so natural to him and he will be very restless if people are not there to receive his help.

When people came to know that he is leaving them some of them broke down.

An young boy cried `who will play with me in the evening'; a blind child cried `who will read stories to me'? An elderly couple cried `who will buy our groceries?'; a school final girl cried `who will teach me mathematics'?

When any one arrived from India, he will be there to receive them from the airport and help them in the first few weeks until they are comfortable in the new country.

You don't to be a great social worker to help the society. You can make a big difference in the lives of the few people around you!

What about you?

N C Sridharan



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