[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


28th June 2012

`A thought which does not result in an action is nothing much, and an action which does not proceed from a thought is nothing at all'

Bernanos, Georges

Be conscious about the various thoughts that occupy your mind since thoughts decide your mindset and your mindset will decide your attitude and actions.

We should have productive thoughts and not merely positive thoughts. All thoughts need not be positive and all positive thoughts need not be productive thoughts. Great people have not only positive thoughts, they make such thoughts productive.

For example, `I want to be healthy' is a positive thought; `I want to get up early morning and jog for twenty minutes every day' is a productive thought. `I want to reduce my weight' is a positive thought; ` I will say `no' to high calorie food' is a productive thought'; ` I want to improve my communication' is a positive thought; `I will join a course on effective communication' is a productive thought.

A positive thought is a wishful thinking unless it is followed up by an action plan.

You may want to know how to convert a positive thought to a productive thought. It is very simple. List all the good things to want to do on one side of the paper and as against each write down what one thing you want to do to put that idea into action. Convert at least one positive thought into productive though per week and notice the difference in your self-confidence and personality!

N C Sridharan



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