[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


11th June 2012

Obstacles can't stop you. Problems can't stop you. Most of all, others people can't stop you. Only you can stop you'


Answer just one question: who takes the various decisions in your life? Obviously it's YOU! This is not only when you are grown up, but also when you were young, even when you were a child. Others may decide temporarily for you, like you should not play now, you cannot sleep now, you should eat now etc. When some decisions were not suitable to you, you changed them, didn't you?


When you are the decision maker and the implementer, how can you blame others for what you have achieved and what you have not achieved? As we grew up in life we became very intelligent to blame others for what we got and this gave us a satisfaction. Over a period of time this became our trait.


But great people differ from us in this very dimension of personality. They take ownership for their decisions and quality of life. They continued to do what they wanted to do. If they failed, they knew it is the result of their actions and inactions. With this mindset, when they failed they corrected their strategy. But when we fail, we try to correct others and once again fail, and we once again blame that others are bad!


Think if this is true for you!


N C Sridharan



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