[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


12th June 2012


"An amazing invention - but who would ever want to use one?"


A comment on Graham Bell's invention of telephone on 7 March 1876


I was thinking about our life before we started using the mobile phone. I think we were much more disciplined in the process of our communication. We completed all our telephone calls before we left the house and let people know when we will be available again to receive any phone calls. But now? We have a policy of `any time any call anywhere'! We have no discipline in using the rare technology of mobility telephones. Sometime back I wrote what it means to have technology without discipline, power without discipline, money without discipline, freedom without discipline, authority without discipline. Now we should add to the list mobile phone without discipline!

I wanted to speak to a very busy and world class gynecologist in Singapore whom I know him very well. I sent him a mail and asked him his mobile number. He was very sweet in his prompt reply enquiring about me and my family, but added that I can call him on his land line since he does not answer mobile phone as he is very busy! He said he only accesses people through e mail at an appointed time!

No doubt he is a very popular and successful person! Why not do an audit of your use of mobile phone to find out if you are over using or misusing the same!


N C Sridharan



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